1I’m using edible hibiscus powder.You can buy it online.
2In a saucepan mix the hibiscus powder and water well. Add granulated sugar. .Cook it on low flame for 10 15 mins. Keep stirring. Let it reduce . Now mix corn flour in 2 tsp of water and add this to the hibiscus mixture. Let it thicken. Add a drop of edible pink colour. Turn off the heat.
3Pass the liquid through a thin muslin cloth.
4Strain the liquid.
5Refrigerate it for 30 minutes.
For the custard
1Take a medium sized heavy bottom saucepan and add milk , cream, salt and sugar .
2Cook for 10 minutes on low flame.Keep stirring.
3Mix the corn flour with 2 tbsp of water/ milk and add this to the custard.
4Keep stirring.Let it thicken.
5Turn off the heat. Add vanilla essence.
6Place the saucepan into a bowl of ice cold water immediately. Let the custard cool.
7Pass the custard through a fine strainer. Refrigerate it for 30 minutes.
8Whip the dairy based heavy whipping cream until still.
9Take the custard out of the refrigerator and beat it for 1-2 minutes using a electric mixer.
10Now mix the custard and the heavy whipping cream well using a hand mixer.
11Now, divide this mixture into two parts.
12To one part add the chilled hibiscus mixture.
13Gently mix with a spatula.
15Spoon in both the flavours alternately.
18Cover the container with parchment sheet and cling wrap it tightly.
19Freeze it for 8-10hours.