1In a bowl,mix flour, salt and pepper powder well.
2Add oil.
3Add grated beet root or purée.
5Add water and knead the dough very gently . Add 2-3 tablespoons of extra water if required.
6Divide the dough into four equal portions. Cover it with cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
7Now pre heat the oven at 150 degrees C. Take one portion of the dough. Dust it lightly with flour.
8Using a rolling pin, roll out thin.
9Place it in oven. Let it bake for 4-5 minutes.
10Now you see the bubbles forming.
11Now flip it over carefully.
12Keep flipping 2-3 times.
13Bake for another 14-15 minutes with top and the bottom rods on at 150 degrees C. Remove from the oven and let it cool well.