Spanish Omelette

By shanobiju  

November 22, 2023


3 Eggs

2 Potato

1 Onion

2 tbsp Black pepper

2 tsp Salt

1/4 cup Oil


2Wash and clean the potatoes.

3Slice or grate it fine.

4Slice the onions fine

5In a pan add oil.

6Heat it on medium flame.

7Add the sliced potato and onion.

8Add salt . Cover the pan with a lid and let it cook.

9Meanwhile beat the eggs using a fork. Add salt and ground black pepper.

10Check the potatoes . Turn off the flame when properly cooked. Let it cool.

11Add 1-2 tbsp of extra oil into the same pan .

12Mix the beaten egg and potato mixture well.

13Pour this into the pan. Let it cook on slow flame.

14Flip the omelette carefully.

15Cook for 3-4 minutes until the onions are well caramelised.


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