For the dough
1In a bowl mix all the ingredients together except beer. Mix well for a minute or two.
2Heat the beer for a minute on low flame. Add beer to the flour mixture.
3Knead well for 7-8 minutes.
4Add oil. Knead for a minute or two.
5Shape it into a ball and place it into a well oiled bowl.
6Let it double in volume.
For the sauce
1Meanwhile, prepare the Pizza sauce.
2Blanch the tomatoes. Peel off the skin. Let it cool well. Make a purée without adding water.
3 Heat oil on moderate flame.
4Add onion, ginger and garlic. Lower the flame. Keep stirring. Add the rest of the ingredients except cheese and water.
5Cook on low flame. Add salt to taste. Now add water. Let it simmer on low flame for 5 minutes until the sauce is thick in consistency. Turn off the heat. Keep it aside.
For the topping
1Heat a heavy bottom pan. Add oil. Add the chopped ingredients. Lower the heat. Let it for a 2-3 minutes. Add minced chicken and salt to taste. Add 1 tbsp of Worcestershire sauce (optional). Cook well . Turn off the heat.
2Now check the dough if it has doubled in volume. Punch down the dough. Knead for a minute or two. Cling wrap the dough. Refrigerate the dough for 2 hours.
3Now Pre heat the oven at 180 degrees C. Divide the dough into into 4 equal portions.
4Grease and dust a 6”tin. Take one portion. Shape it into a ball. Using a rolling pin shape the dough gently into a circle. Make few dents with your knuckles. Refrigerate it for 30 minutes.
5Pre heat the oven at 180 degrees C. Place the prepared dough into the oven and bake for 8 minutes with the top and bottom rods on.
6Take the tin out of the oven.Now first apply 1-2tbsps of tomatoketchup evenly.
7Then spread 3 tbsp of pizza sauce. Now add 3-4 tbsp of chicken - mushroom topping. Add grated cheese on top. Drizzle 1-2 tbsp of olive oil. Add some freshly chopped spring onion.
8Bake for 15-20 minutes.